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Czarnowski GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39 D4-D5
51063 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0) 221.922321-0

Czarnowski North America
2287 S Blue Island Dr
Chicago IL 60608
1 (800) 247-4302

Czarnowski Shanghai
555 Dongchuan Road
Building #6, Rm 04, 1/F
Shanghai, PR China, 200241
+86 (0) 21.34713691

Sandvik earns Event Marketer’s 2014 Silver Event Design Award

December 8, 2014 | Awards

Sandvik earned Event Marketer magazine’s 2014 Silver Event Design Award for “Best Trade Show Environment (50’ x 50’ and up).” Czarnowski used a clean layout, minimal colors and strategic materials to create the simple yet powerful architecture that captured Sandvik’s complex and sophisticated products.

The EDAs recognize the industry’s top experience designers and innovators as well as projects reinventing experience design. Get more details here.

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