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Czarnowski GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39 D4-D5
51063 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0) 221.922321-0

Czarnowski North America
2287 S Blue Island Dr
Chicago IL 60608
1 (800) 247-4302

Czarnowski Shanghai
555 Dongchuan Road
Building #6, Rm 04, 1/F
Shanghai, PR China, 200241
+86 (0) 21.34713691

Partners in Performance: Grainger recognizes Czarnowski for strategy, design and engineering

May 2, 2019 | Awards

In recognition of our strategy, design and engineering work on Grainger’s corporate events and trade show exhibits, we were presented with Grainger’s Partners in Performance Award for 2018.

We are the first indirect supplier to receive a Partners in Performance Award from Grainger, the leading broad line supplier of maintenance, repair and operating (MRO) products serving businesses and institutions.

Grainger’s Partners in Performance Award recognizes suppliers who achieve excellence in several categories including responsiveness, information integrity, compliance, quality product, management commitment and order fulfillment.

Grainger suppliers receive ratings throughout the year on their performance in each category. Out of Grainger’s more than 5,200 suppliers, fewer than 1 percent are chosen to receive these awards.


“We deploy our full suite of capabilities – from booth design to visual effects development to engineering – to help Grainger produce engaging corporate events and trade show exhibits that effectively showcase their extensive portfolio of products and services,” said Michael Cassady, vice president of sales at Czarnowski. “We are proud of our longstanding relationship with Grainger and honored to receive this award.”

We have served as Grainger’s corporate events contractor since 2017. We also design and construct Grainger’s booths at trade shows

“Our passion is telling clients’ stories in compelling and innovative ways,” said KC Nagle, president of Czarnowski. “We’ve done this for many years with Grainger and look forward to continuing to develop creative ways to feature their products and services.”

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