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Czarnowski GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39 D4-D5
51063 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0) 221.922321-0

Czarnowski North America
2287 S Blue Island Dr
Chicago IL 60608
1 (800) 247-4302

Czarnowski Shanghai
555 Dongchuan Road
Building #6, Rm 04, 1/F
Shanghai, PR China, 200241
+86 (0) 21.34713691

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In the meantime, get to know us better.



Workspace design shouldn’t just look good, it should also serve a purpose—highlighting the people, work and culture that makes your company great.

Grainger’s Partners in Performance Award recognizes our strategy, design and engineering work on corporate events and exhibits.

For over 70 years, we’ve been known for our exhibit and tradeshow capabilities. But, at EXHIBITORLIVE 2019, we showed how we’ve evolved to be so much more.