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Czarnowski GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39 D4-D5
51063 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0) 221.922321-0

Czarnowski North America
2287 S Blue Island Dr
Chicago IL 60608
1 (800) 247-4302

Czarnowski Shanghai
555 Dongchuan Road
Building #6, Rm 04, 1/F
Shanghai, PR China, 200241
+86 (0) 21.34713691

In-house fabric capabilities: we’ve got you covered

March 17, 2016 | Exhibits

Fabric’s versatility makes it a perfect fit for exhibit and event marketing. However, it isn’t pure functionality that makes fabric a popular choice—although it has that too. It’s the wow factor fabric brings to any space and its ability to transform a basic nuts and bolts structure into a dramatic and appealing brand statement.

Great fabrication is often under-appreciated and under-valued. Having a partner with fabric capability in-house is even more underrated.

At Czarnowski, our belief in the transformative power of fabric is so strong that we brought the production capability in-house. It allows us to design and print whatever we want, whenever we want and however we want it—all within required (and often very tight) timelines. Not many other exhibit and event marketing partners can say that. And we think that’s pretty cool.

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