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Trend Alert: unique ideas for event marketing and exhibit design

June 8, 2017 | Insights

In search of your next big exhibit and event marketing idea? Here it is!

Check out the latest issue of Trend Alert, which is overflowing with new and unique ideas for event marketing and exhibit design.

Explore a kaleidoscopic new vision of the future, take in the sights from the world’s tallest moving observation tower, breathe deeply in Airbnb’s Outside In house and discover sanctuary within a Buenos Aires Fortress of Solitude.

Not awash in waves of inspiration yet? Test out Travelmate’s autonomous robotic suitcase, do math in a Tokyo Forest of Numbers and redecorate your space with a color-changing floral Lake rug.

Event marketing and exhibit design inspiration is all around you. You just need to look for it. Lucky for you, the Trend Alert is a good place to start.

Sign up to read the latest issue of Trend Alert now. Then check out our Media Library to browse past issues.

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