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Trend Alert: bold exhibit ideas for adventurous marketers

September 29, 2017 | Insights

The latest issue of Trend Alert is packed with the kind of unique and thought-provoking ideas designed to stop audiences in their tracks.

They’re also the kind of ideas that are ripe to be plucked for your next exhibit or event.

Draw inspiration from Alex Senna’s emotional murals, Chen Wei’s dramatic and dream-like pictures or Maizz Visual’s larger-than-life 3D animal motion video installation.


Interior design
Get influenced by ACDF’s technicolor makeover of Playster’s headquarters, Waterfrom’s subversion of clinical pharmacy stereotypes for Molecure and Daria Zinovatnaya’s highly creative and shape-driven universe.

Take a cue from Plan B’s botanical garden uniting structure and living organisms, Tadao Ando’s lavender-covered Buddha and Mats Bigert and Lars Bergström’s gold mirrored solar egg.


Find a creative spark in Archkit’s 3D city-building kits, Pininfarina’s inkless yet infinite pens and Karim Rashid’s pleasantly off-kilter decanter.

Bold exhibit ideas can come from anywhere. You just need the right inspiration. Lucky for you, the Trend Alert is a good place to start.

Sign up to read the latest issue of Trend Alert now. Then check out our Media Library to browse past issues.


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