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Technology mixology: the art and science behind creating the perfect technology engagement

September 2, 2016 | Insights

As the use of technology continues to rise within the experience marketing industry, so, too, do audience expectations. Flat, passive displays fall far short of captivating a crowd. Today’s audience demands meaningful entertainment and interaction with your brand.

From touchscreens and attendee tracking to video walls and LED lighting, technology has transformed how companies communicate and connect with their audience by allowing them to create deeper, more relevant brand experiences. But all experiences aren’t created equal.

Creating the perfect technology engagement is a lot like crafting the perfect cocktail. You need the right ingredients, the right tools and the right execution.

But even with the right elements in place, crafting the perfect cocktail isn’t as easy as a talented mixologist makes it looks. There is an art and science behind it. And the same holds true when constructing a technology engagement.

Each step in Technology Mixology borrows from a classic cocktail recipe to give you step-by-step instructions for creating the perfect technology engagement.

  1. Know your budget
  2. Discover your strengths and weaknesses
  3. Get to know your audience
  4. Identify your biggest challenge
  5. Pre-show planning
  6. Show execution
  7. Measurement and post-show follow-up

Your audience demands meaningful entertainment and interaction with your brand. And with a bit of Technology Mixology, you can deliver it.

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