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Cadillac: redefining a legend at 2016 NYIAS

February 24, 2016 | Automotive

We do what it takes to bring brands to life. When the brand is a luxury icon like Cadillac, understated elegance just won’t do. We had to think bold, sophisticated and optimistic—we had to think like Cadillac.

The New York International Auto Show is the automotive showcase for cutting-edge design and extraordinary innovation, making it the perfect place to debut Cadillac’s new experience.

One of the many challenges we faced was delivering a show-stopping environment that looked permanent in only four days.

The solution required a herculean effort: 30,000 man-hours; 112,000 pounds of materials; 700 LED tiles; 37 trucks. And that was before installation.

The result was a towering display that was recognized by Event Marketer as a Gold Winner for Best Trade Show Exhibit (50’ x 50’ and up) at the 2015 Experience Design Awards.

See how we captured the true Cadillac essence and created an architectural impact worthy of NYIAS.

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